
Contact telephone number

Call for more information

626 880 966


C/ Hort de Palmera, 14

1ºB (Entresuelo)

46410 – Sueca (Valencia)


Opening Hours

Monday: 16:00-20:00

Tuesday-Wed.: 11:00-22:00

Thursday-Sunday: Closed

Book An Appointment

In DerMar, we will be glad to help you every step of the way.
The data entered in this form will be treated confidentially.

6 + 5 =

Dermatological Emergencies

Studies show that skin diseases account for almost 20% of primary care. Moreover, between 8% and 10% of emergencies in hospitals are dermatological.

DerMar provides a dermatological emergency service via video call seven days a week from 08:00 to 20:00.


How does it work?

  1. Call 626880966
  2. The patient will be assessed via phone call.
  3. If it really is an emergency, the patient will get an appointment on the same day.
  4. If we are open, we will schedule an appointment in the clinic on the same day.
  5. The emergency will be treated via video call for the rest of the days.

Online Consultation

We also offer remote dermatology consultations via video call, so that you do not have to travel to our clinic. The price of the first online consultation is €50, while the follow-ups are priced at €35 each.

To access this service, you will need:

  1. A device with a front-facing camera (e.g., phone, tablet, or computer).
  2. A good Internet connection.
  3. An environment with good sound and light conditions to evaluate the patient properly.

You can book an Online Consultation via phone call (626880966) or on our website.

This service is only available for patients residing in the Peninsula, as some face-to-face consultations may be required.

Patients that have health insurance with Asisa, Sanitas, DKV, Generali, Cigma and AEGON can access this service.

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